Legal notice

Below you will find legal details in accordance with §5 of the Digital Services Act (DDG).

Gewerbering 9 
58579 Schalksmühle Germany

Tel.: +49 2355 5 08 28-0 
Fax: +49 2355 5 08 28-9 99
Legal entity
Registry court Iserlohn HRB 3925
VAT no. DE811221510

Registered office Lüdenscheid, Germany
Corporate management:
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Bieling
Dipl.-Oec. Andreas Kostal

Copyright notice

Content and representation of SOMA GmbH websites are protected worldwide. Copying, issuing to other parties or any kind of use, in whole or in part, is prohibited without prior permission. Photographs used by us may not be used without express permission. All rights - including protective right applications - are reserved.

General information

We assume no liability for the content, any claims relating to or legal violations arising from web addresses linked to our website. The use of these links takes place at the risk of the user.